
Jaarbeurs Utrecht Jaarbeursplein, Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland

Niemand kan voorspellen hoe de toekomst in transport en logistiek eruitziet. Het enige wat we kunnen doen, is onze operaties...

S&OP Flavour Day 2023

Hotel van der Valk, Utrecht

Improve the resilience of your supply chain The numerous supply chain disruptions mean that companies need to improve their resilience,...

Bedrijfsbezoek Rituals & workshop talentmanagement

Rituals Cosmetics Enterprise Herengracht 541, Amsterdam

Zie jij talenten jouw bedrijf uitstromen? Is het lastig om talenten te vinden? Leer mogelijke oplossingen tijdens de workshop ‘Talentenpijplijn...

Supply Chain Innovation & Start-ups

Why do some businesses prefer to work with a supply chain start-up rather than an established software vendor? Besides innovation,...

SCM IT Demo Day – Real-Time Transport Visibility

Novotel Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Taurusavenue 12, Hoofddorp, Nederland

Ever since the world’s supply chains became massively disrupted three years ago, it’s no longer necessary to explain the need...

Supply Chain Superwomen

Renaissance Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Hotel Meester Jacob Takkade 35, Aalsmeer

In collaboration with Professor Janet Godsell and Henkel Consumer Products, we organize a workshop about Innovation, Scenario Development & Back...

How S&OP can boost your Resilience

S&OP has a proven track record of balancing demand and supply and increasing supply chain efficiencies and reducing costs. But...

End-to-End Transport Management Systems (TMS)

Transport currently poses challenges for businesses due to factors such as congestion, rising costs, and supply chain disruptions, affecting operational efficiency...

SCM IT Demo Day – Transport Management Systems (TMS)

Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport Melbournestraat 1, Lijnden, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Nederland

As a supply chain director, you are constantly looking for ways to improve your company’s performance. The search for software...

S&OP: Science, art or both?

Aligning your departments requires careful navigation. Often, the translation of available data into management insights falls short. However, S&OP offers...

SCM Trend Diner 2024

Anafora Uilenboslaan 1, Vleuten, Nederland

Menig supply chain-directeur is zo druk met brandjes blussen, dat nauwelijks tijd overblijft voor de vraag die hen ’s nachts...